Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ravelympics 2008

I have finished my ravelympics project --- somehow finished FOUR hats for my family! I was not sure if I could finish them within 17 days, but it got easier and easier as I knitted the same item repeatedly. Anyway, here is my finished projects:


Mieko Mintz Manly Hat for me

Pattern: Mieko Mintz Manly Hat
Designer: Mieko Mintz
Yarn: Mieko Mintz Merino 4; two strands of gray and one strand of almond
Needle: US10 (6.0mm)

Mieko Mintz Manly Hat for my Hubby

Pattern: Mieko Mintz Manly Hat
Designer: Mieko Mintz
Yarn: Sandara yarn Sport Merino (Black over Espresso), Cascade Indulgence (Black), Henry's Attic Prime Alpaca (dark gray)
Needle: US10 1/2 (6.5mm)

Mieko MIntz Manly Hat for Baby

Pattern: Mieko Mintz Manly Hat
Designer: Mieko Mintz
Yarn: Mieko Mintz Merino 4 (gray), Sandara yarn Sport Merino (Black over Espresso)
Needle: US8 (5.0mm)

Mieko Mintz Manly Hat for My Son

Pattern: Mieko Mintz Manly Hat
Designer: Mieko Mintz
Yarn: Mieko Mintz Merino 4 (gray), Sandara yarn Sport Merino (Black over Espresso), Cascade Indulgence (Black), Henry's Attic Prime Alpaca (dark gray)
Needle: US10 (6.0mm)

Here is the all four hats together:

Mieko MIntz Manly Hat for Family

I started to knit mine first, and I wanted to be a little bit smaller than what the pattern says, so I used smaller needle by one size and knitted it tightly. The result was --- it came out a bit small ---- My husband's came out almost perfect in size, and so was the baby's, although it was almost impossible to take a nice picture of a baby with wool hat in this hot August. I am thinking about taking it again sometimes in fall.


I had a tough time knitting my son's hat. I didn't have any yarns that seemed enough to finish the project, so I ended up combining different yarns at different sides. It turned out actually nice, and I like the way his hat looks like. The only problem is that I was so scared if I was running out of yarn, so I reduced the number of strands from three to two, and tried to knit very loosely, and so it came out a bit too big. It is always difficult for me to adjust the size of hats.


This hats uses wrap and turn technique to form the round top. It looks very simple, but it is a detailed design as well. May be fund to change colors to make it into stripe pattern.


I am thinking about putting some crocheted flowers on mine --- I am the only girl in this family and I needl something girly once in a while.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Mieko Mintz Knitting Class

There is a boutique in Soho called Mieko Mintz, where owner & designer Mieko designs and sells sophisticated, original collections using beautiful and unique fabrics from all over the world. She had long been thinking about launching her original knitting line as well, and I had an opportunity to work with her to develop her knitting collections. Here is a link to her knitting collection. I am very honored to be part of this project.

マンハッタンのSOHOにミエコミンツというブティックがあり、デザイナー&オーナーのミエコさんがデザインした素敵なコレクションがおいてあります。このミエコさんが以前からご自身でニットのコレクションを手がけたいと思っていたそうで、今回ミエコさんのニットのコレクションのお手伝いをさせていただく機会を得ました。リンクはこちら です。願ってもない機会で、大変勉強になりました。

Now that we have finished her first line of collection, I decided to knit her design for myself. And I chose "Manly Hat" because it is such an interesting design with unique edging around the face line. I picked up her yarn as well --- two strands of gray and one strand of almond. They are so squishy and soft!

プロジェクトも一段落したので、自分のものをそろそろ編もうかなあ、と思い、彼女のコレクションの中から"Manly Hat" を編むことに決めました。エッジングがシンプルかつこだわりのある感じで、とても気に入ってしまったのです。ミエコミンツの毛糸の中からグレーとアーモンドを選びました。この毛糸、すごく柔らかくて肌触りがいいです。

Mieko MIntz Merino 4

Since the ravelry hosts Ravelympics along with the Olympics 2008, I signed up this hat as my Ravelympics project. I have decided to work on four hats --- one for me, one for my hubby, one for my older son, and one for my younger son.

ラベリーの方で丁度オリンピック開催にあわせてRavelympics をやっているので、この帽子を エントリーしました。チャレンジングなプロジェクト、と書いてあったので、ちょっと無理かな、と思いつつ、家族全員の帽子を合計4つ作ることにしました。

Hopefully I can finish these --- I always wanted to make matching hats for the whole family.
