Sunday, February 25, 2007

Union Market Pullover Sweater Done!

Finally, after over a year of struggle, I finished my Union Square Market Pullover!

一年以上てこづったUnion Square Pulloverがようやく、ようやく完成しました。

Union Market Pullover

Pattern: Union Square Market Pullover from IK Fall 2005!
Designer: Kate Gilbert
Size: 33 1/2 finished size
Yarn: Knitpicks Alpaca Cloud: less than 6 skeins of Iris Feather and less than one ball of Sand Feather
Weight: 254g
Mods: I added a couple inches in lengh in the middle of the body --- I guess my gauge was way off from the original.

This came out really small --- partly because of yarn, and partly because I didn't think 33 1/2" would be too small for me...I always knit sweaters in the smallest of the second smallest, assuming that my gauge is a bit off and therefore, they come out a bit larger than the original pattern.

これはとっても小さく出来上がってしまいました。糸の性質と、33 1/2インチというのが自分にとって小さすぎるとは思えなかったからというのが理由のようです。たいていセーターを編むときは、こちらのパターンの一番小さいもの、あるいは2番目に小さいサイズを選んで編みますが、私は手が緩いのでゲージが多少ずれて大きくなると勝手に予想してのことなのです。なので、今回のようにジャストサイズで出来上がるとものすごく小さくなってしまうのでした。

When finished, it had only 19" in length! So, I decided to frog one row in the middle to separate it into two pieces, and add a couple inches in length.


Union Square Market Pullover Redo

When separated, I laid a tape measure to see how long it should be, and decided to add about 3 1/2 inches.

身頃を二つに割ったとき、メジャーをおいてどのくらいの長さにするかを決め、3 1/2インチほど足すことにしました。

Union Square Market Pullover Final Size

Here is how it looks --- it still looks small, but at least I can cover my tummy!
This outfit is incredibly warm --- it's almost too warm to wear in heated room --- but it helps me a lot as we have seriously cold weather once in a while.


Union Market Pullover

Now I finished this sweater, I can work on my Enid cardi and phildar's jacket. I almost finished the second sleeve of Enid card (still all single color stockinette...) and phildar jacket is about the middle of the back... This year, I have been having cold so many times (my son! he brings germs to our house all the time from school...) and so many days I could not knit.

ようやくこのセーターが終わったので、Enid Cardiとフィルダーのジャケットに取りかかれます。Enid Cardiは二つ目の袖が丁度終わるところですが、いまだメリヤス大平原です。フィルダーの方は後ろ身頃の真ん中あたりでしょうか‥今年の冬はもうずっと風邪を引きっぱなしで(いまも大風を引いてしまいました)、全然編物が出来ません。我が家の息子が学校からしょっちゅうばい菌をもらってきてくれるのです。これも母親業、仕方のないことのなのでしょうか‥

Sunday, February 11, 2007


I purchase a fiber sampler from Hello Yarn a while ago and it had one ounce of handpainted BFL:

しばらく前にHello Yarnでファイバーのサンプラーを購入したのですが、その中の一つにハンドペイントのBFLが入っていました:

Hello Yarn BFL Handpainted (1oz)

And here is the skein --- it's a very thin, single skein:


Hello Yarn BFL Handpainted Single Spun

With this yarn, I knited a scarf --- it was so cute and airy.


Last year, I signed up "Spin to Knit :Handspun Secret Pals Swap" and I was supposed to send my handspun yarn to my secret pal in January and February. I signed up as a begginer, but my pal signed up as an advanced spinner, and there was something wrong with the website, so she was mis-categorized as a I got more pressure on this exchange.

昨年、 "Spin to Knit :Handspun Secret Pals Swap" にサインアップしました。1月と2月にsecret palに糸を送り、もう一人のsecret palから糸を頂くというもの。私はビギナーでサインアップしたのですが、なぜか、私が送る相手のpalは、アドバンスでサインアップしたのにビギナーにされてしまったそうで、さらにプレッシャーがかかっていました‥

Anyway, she mentioned she likes dark plum color, so I was looking around for a while to see there is any fiber that is deep plum, and I finally fell in love with Amy's fiber called Purple Haze:

Spunky Eclectic Purple Haze Mixed Wool

This fiber was so beautiful and very easy to spin. It was a simple wool blend.


Purple Haze Spinned

My pal wanted some plied yarns, so I tried to make 2 ply... just putting the yarns into chopsticks, and put them in pararrel in a basket. This worked fine... everything was from our house.


Purple Haze 2 ply

Here is how it looks after setting twist... It's a thick & thin yarn, and these two skeins are different in weight... I am not good enough to adjust the fine weight, so this is all I could do; these skeins have 60 yds and 70 yds.


My Handspun Yarn - Spunky Eclectic Purple Haze 2 ply

I got a lot of left yarns from the same fiber, so I ended up knitting my handwarmer... it is very uneven, but i love it!


Purple Haze Hand Warmer

I loved this colorway, so I ended up ordering another fiber in a same colorway... this time, I ordered merino wool Purple Haze. Here is my first skein with merino... it's a lot more spongy and not easy to spin...


Spunky Eclectic Purple Haze Merino

The color is also different --- the left is from wool blend and the right is from merino. I guess wool blend had a lot more gray than the merino... I was originally thinking about making a shrug out of this merino fiber... but the color could be too light for me, so I may mix some other yarns to knit it, or I may make something else.


Difference in Color - Mixed Wool vs Merino

And, my secret pal sent me this wonderful yarn --- it was from colombia wool and it is incredibly soft! My request was natural fiber - fingering weight - and this was exactly what I wanted! Thank you my pal!! It is too precious to knit, but I will decide what to make soon.


Gift from My Secret Pal


Friday, February 09, 2007

Volunteer Work

I have been working as a volunteer mom at my son's Japanese school and I have donated some of my knitted accessories for their New Year's Festival for fundraising. I was originally posting this before the fair to get more people coming to the event, but my son was carried to ER a couple days before the event and our house was in a sort of panic for a while, so I wasn't able to update any of those items a head of time... anyway, I just wanted to leave the photos for my record.


Baby Pink Hat: some acrylic yarn

Pink Baby Hat

Fancy Yarn Hat & Scarf: 100% Wool -- very, very soft!

Fancy Yarn Scarf & Hat

Bobble Hat & Scarf: Acrylic Wool Yarns --- Pattern Reference: 手編みでお出かけ:Teami-de-Odekake

Bobble Scarf & Hat

Stripe Scarf by My Handspun Yarn - BFL Handpainted by Hello Yarn

My Handspun Scarf

Snowy Scarf & Hat - 100% Wool and 100% Silk Combination

White - Blue Scarf & Hat

Soysilk Scarf & Hat - 1 ball of Paton's SWC

Soysilk Scarf & Hat

Finger Knitting Scarf - some acrylic yarn

Yubiami Scarf

That's all for this year. I had more time working on these last year, but I did my best this year as well...
