Friday, October 17, 2008

Baby Shalom Pullover

My younger son turned 1 yr old last month. I wanted to knit something for his birthday, so I looked around everywhere to find some nice patterns, and I decided to work on Shalom Cardigan as I wanted to knit this for a long time. I made it into a pullover, so he can't take it off easily.

下の息子があっという間に1歳になりました。お祝いに何か編んであげよう、と思い、いろいろパターンを見ていましたが、以前から編んでみたかったShalom Cardiganをプルにしてみたらどうだろうと思い、こんな形のプルオーバーを作ってみました。


Original Design: Shalom Cardigan
Designer: Meghan McFarlane
Yarn: Habu Tsumugi Silk, Habu Ramie, Fine Cotton (3 strands held together)
Needle: US6 (4mm)
Size: 12-18 months (approximate)
Modification: Followed ishi's modification + added sleeves

The collar looks like this:



When I first saw ishi's Shalom, I was very impressed with her vest --- then I found out that she did a lot of mods, so I followed her modification exactly the way she did (she explained her mods in english on ravelry here). Thanks ishi-san!




Here is how it looks on my little baby:




I took these pics indoors (on the jumping game in our neighborhood mall --- that's why the floor looks a bit strange) so it's not a nice picture. I thought this pullover would be a bit big for him (so that he can wear it for a while) but it fitted perfectly. I guess he grew up as I was knitting for a month or two.


At the same time, I was working on naganasu's garter stitch yoke vest for my older son.


ishiさんのshalom cardiとはまた違って引き返しの前後差をつけたヨークですが、これまた綺麗にできるのですね。

This pattern uses short row technique to create a front neck opening, and it comes out beautiful!



Unfortunately, I don't think I have enough yarn to finish two sleeves --- my son in this pic holds the yarn that's left for both sleeves. Another thing that bothers me is that it could be too big for him for a while --- garter stitch tends to stretch out as he wears (plus this yarn is 100% cotton) , so I may have to frog this all and start it again. I may try to avoid garter stitch as they consume lots of yarns.


全然関係ないのですが、この写真のカーディガンの下に着ているのはスパイダーマンのコスチュームです。今年のハロウィーンはobi wanになるとずっと言い続けてきたのに、突然10月に入るか入らないかの頃からスパイダーマンになると言い出し、買ってしまってからというもの、毎日学校以外はこれを着ています‥寝るときもこれ着ています‥なので、もう既にぼろぼろです。ハロウィーンまで持たないんじゃないかとヒヤヒヤです。家ではこんな感じで本人はスパイダーマンになりきっています。

This is not at all about knitting --- but my son wears spiderman costume under this vest. He has been telling us he was going to be obi-wan for the whole year, and all of a sudden, around the beginning of October, he said he would become spiderman, and that's it! We had to go shopping to get the spiderman costume, and since then, he has been wearing this every single moment except school. He even sleeps in this costume every night. I am hoping that this costume will survive until Halloween... In our apartment, he is acting as spiderman all the time like this:


Saturday, October 04, 2008


I wanted to knit something that I can wear all the time during summer, and I picked up Guinevere by Melissa (Neoknits). I love
A-lines and open neck line, so as soon as I saw this on her web, I purchased this pattern. She used Handmaien Flaxen, but I wanted to use up some of my stash, so I picked up Habu Tsumugi Silk, Ramie and Tokken Viscose Silk and knitted with three strands together.

夏の間に一つぐらいちゃんと着れるものを編みたい、と思って編んだのがNeoknitsのMelissaさんデザインのGuinevere。こういうAラインで襟ぐりがかなり開いたデザイン、とても好きだったので、見た瞬間にパターンを手に入れて編み始めました。指定糸はHandmaidenのFlaxenという絹と麻の混紡糸でしたので、在庫一掃もかねて、手元にあったhabu (avril)のツムギシルク、ラミーとシルクの3本取りで編んでみました。

Guinevere Finished!

I wore this most of the time last summer when we went out. I don't like to go out with only one layer of tank top (as I am getting old ---), but this airy light layer was perfect for the whole summer. I still wear this on top of turtle neck shirts these days.


When I finished this, I have received a wonderful surprise gift.


My Son's Vest

My mom designed this vest (she posted about this on her blog here) and her student knitted both of them!! I am very very happy when I got these --- I wanted to knit these by myself but I couldn't find the time to do this.


Here is some photos of my children in this vest. They are adorable!


From the back:


Whenever we went out during summer, I was wearing Guinevere and my children were wearing this vest.


And therefore, I could not knit any single sweaters for my children by myself --- I am probably not good at using time, so I couldn't find a good chunk of time to knit. I was hoping that I would have been able to find some time to knit after September, when my older son starts to go to Kindergarten, but I just can't find time to knit that much as we always have errands everywhere---


My older son started to go to Kindergarten, and he seems to like it (thank god!), but he has to leave the house at 6:45am to catch the bus, and I feel bad that he has to leave that early every morning. On top of that, he goes to Japanese supplementary school every Saturday, and he goes to soccer clinic every Sunday morning for a month or so, and I just feel so bad---


My younger son turned one now. He started to walk a couple weeks before his first birthday, and now, he is almost running around the house, so he gets a lot of bumps and bruises. So many times, I wanted to catch him, but I could not. He just wanted to move around and touch something new every day.


I still try to find some time to knit --- I have made a couple diaper cover, but none of them came out great, They are working just fine, but I am still trying to find something that fits better. Also, I am knitting Shalom cardigan (with sleeves) for my younger son and garter stitch yoke cardi (with sleeves) for my older son. I hope I can update this blog very soon this time!

そんな中、細々ではありますが編物は続けています。布おむつなので、最近はおむつカバーを何枚か編みました。なかなかこれ!というで気にならないのが残念ですが、もうちょっと工夫してフィットするものをもう一枚ぐらい編んでみようと思っています。それから、下の息子にはShalom Cardiganの袖付きを、上のお兄ちゃんにはnaganasuさんのgarter stitch yoke cardi(これまた袖付きになる予定です)を編んでいます。こんどこそ!こんなに間を空けずに、経過をアップしたいと思っています〜