Thursday, April 12, 2007

Recent Works

Sorry for long absence.... I had been tortured by cold for the whole winter and all the house chores backed up... and I got pregnant and had to fight with nausea for a couple months, so I couldn't have enough time to relax and knit, but thank god, my nausea is over now and now I can come back to my routine life!


I made this tiny baby cardi for my friend's new born boy --- actually he was already four months old when I went to see him, and he was too big to wear this... so this went to his teddy bear instead.


Baby Cardican

Pattern: rosebud cardigan from simple knits for cherished babies
Designer: Erika Knight
Yarn: 2 skeins of Rowan Rowanspun 4ply (100% pure wool, 25g/164 yds; Color: #702 - Stone)
Needle: US#2 circular (Addi)

Next is my son's sweater --- i started to knit this last summer for his birthday, and started again for christmas, and ended up not finishing at all --- and I finally finished this recently.


Cable Sweater for Liam

Design: original
Yarn: 7 balls of Rowan All Season Cotton (60% cotton, 40% acrylic, 50g/98 yds; Color: 212 - Mocha Chocolate)
Needle: US#8 circular (Suzanne)

Here is how it looks on him --- I made it a lot bigger than his size so that he could weare it for a while (at least next year).


Liam in Cable Sweater

My recent work is this --- Lacy Dress from VK Spring/Summer 2007. I finished the back and now I am working on the front. I am going to omit the frilly bottom part, and make it a bit like a tunic.

最後に、最近編み出したのがVK Spring/Summer 2007の表紙の作品、Lacy Dressです。今は、後ろ身頃が終わって前身頃を編んでいるところです。一番下のフリフリの部分は省略して、チュニック風にする予定です。

VK Spring/Summer 2007 Lacy Dress Back

A couple weeks ago, it was very very warm here around nyc and that totally discouraged me to knit winter sweaters --- and that's why I started to knit this, but now it's been so cold here, I am knitting back and forth winter sweaters and this summer outfit. I am still working on Enid Cardi, and I finished the york part, so all I have to do is to pick up stitched for the bottom and make a hem, and then I can cut the steek! Hopefully I can wear this at least a couple times this spring.

2〜3週間前はどんどん暖かくなってきたので、冬物を編む気が俄然失せていました。なのでこのチュニック風ワンピを編み出した訳です。ですが、ここに着てまた雪がちらつくぐらい寒くなっているので冬物と行ったりきたりしています。Enid Cardiはようやくヨークの部分が終わって、これからボトムの始末をして、いよいよステークを切ります。この春は寒いので、少しでも着れたらいいな、と思っているところです。