Monday, October 23, 2006

Cable Shrug Finished

My Cable Shrug is Finished!

Cable Shrug Finished

Design: my original (combination of Bobble & Twine, Lacy Chains and Ridged Lace Pattern; I used Lace Bind-Off to bind off all edges )
Yarn: Art Yarns Silk Rhapsody (100% Silk & 70% Mohair/30% Silk; 100g/260 yds; Color: 249) 1 skein
Louet Kidlin (49% Linen, 35% Kid Mohair, 16% Nylon; 50g/250 yds; Color: Smokey Grape) 1.5 skein
Needle: US#7 32" Circular
Size: 28" x 22"

I love these yarns! Silk Rhapsody is so soft and shiny, and Kidlin has a bit of linen's firmness in it. I don't know how this would change once it is washed, because linen tends to get softened as washed...


It is a very simple square will see when it is folded in half:

Cable Shrug Folded

In the beginning, I tried to put many different types of arans like this...

Cable Shrug First Trial

But I didn't like it, and ended up frogging...

Cable Shrug Frogged

Both yarns contain lots of mohair, so it was a nightmere.

Here is how it looks when I wear it:

Cable Shrug Front

Cable Shrug Back

Cable Shrug from Side

It is very easy to wear, and so warm! I am happy with the way it came out.

Now, I have to finish my deep argyle vest before I get my IK magazine... I haven't received VK either...

Monday, October 16, 2006

IK Winter & VK Holiday Preview

The other day, I went to purl to get some needies and happened to see the VK Holiday issue... I even haven't started the fall issue yet, and they already have the holiday issue... anyway, here is the link to the preview on their web. I like the purple cowl neck sweater with super-bulky yarn... I want to knit something bulky these days, but I know I won't wear it too much if knitted with bulky yarns...

先日パールに行ったら、もう既にVogue KnittingのHoliday号が出ていました。まだ秋号のプロジェクトも始めていないというのに‥ここ にリンクがあります。パープルの太ーい糸で編んでるセーター、かわいいな。たまにはこのくらいの極太糸でセーター編んでみたいです。でも、そうするとあんまり着ないんだけど‥

I was so exited to see IK Winter issue preview, because I finally found Eunny's Venezia Pullover.I have been waiting for this since I first saw her post about this sweater on her blog back in July.. and I totally fell in love with it! I have long wanted to knit some fair isle sweater, but not in a traditional style, and Eunny totally did what I wanted to do! She beautifully transformed a traditional fair isle sweater into something that I would love to wear today. So, I am going to knit this as soon as I get this issue.

ようやく待ちに待ったInterweave KnitsのWinter号のプレビューがでてきました。Eunnyさんのこの記事を7月に見てからずっと待ちこがれていたVenezia Pullover.フェアアイルセーターに興味はあったものの、どうも私が着る雰囲気ではないなあと、いつか、自分で着やすいスタイルにアレンジしたフェアアイルを作ってみたいと思っていましたが、Eunnyさんが実現してくださいました。というわけで、これは絶対編む予定。

I found another one... Veronik Avery's Enid Cardigan! I LOVE this!! I love polkadots, and she has beautifully arranged these polkadots with gorgeous colors... I love this color combination. I have heard Reynolds Whisky is a new yarn, and it can substitute those traditional fair isle yarns (such as Jamieson's), but I have never seen the real one. I would like to try this new yarn!

もう一つ編みたいものを見つけてしまいました‥Veronik AveryさんのEnid Cardiganです。これはつぼです〜私の大好きな水玉模様が綺麗に配置されていて。しかもこの色合い!!私が大好きな色合いです。RaynoldsのWhiskyは確か、新しい糸で、フェアアイル用の糸にかなり近いものと認識しています。でも現物は見たことがありません‥是非指定糸で編んでみようと思います。

I know I have so much sweater on the needle, and I should not start these new projects, but I probably can't resist them once I get the magazine...


Sunday, October 08, 2006

Deep V Argyle Vest

It took so long to get it started since I first saw this great vest by Eunny. I got one ball each of Rowan's Scottish Tweed 4 ply from purl, test knitted to see if the gauge worked fine, and went back to purl to purchse more, and found out that they totally sold out!! I was a bit shocked as I have already finished knitting the fist MC ball, and I liked the combination of color, so instead of giving up these yarns, I decided to find it somewhere on line... and luckily, I found the same one (with the same lot!!) at Two Swan Yarns. Karen from the Two Swan Yarns responded my email very quickly, and even told me that they had 20% off for tweedy yarns for September!! I ordered them right away and finally I was able to start working on this vest.

Eunnyさんのこのベストを初めてみてから、ずーっと編みたいと思っていたのですが、なかなか実現せず、ようやくRowanのScottish Tweed 4 plyを手に入れてスワッチをとってみたところ、ゲージは合いそうだったので、これでいこう!ということで編み始め、purlに追加の糸を買いにいったら(最初は1玉ずつしか買っていなかったんです‥)すべて売り切れ。ほどくのも悔しいし、どうしようと思っていたら、Two Swan Yarnsにて、ロットが一緒の糸玉たちを見つけました!!しかも、9月中はツィードの糸が20%オフだということで、慌てて購入。ようやく少しずつ編み進めることが出来ました。

Deep Argyle Vest arm steek started

I thought I may be able to finish this soon --- then I found this error! One of the stitches on the bottom rib is wrong... what did I do? I always make this type of mistake...


Deep V Argyle Vest Rib Mistake...

Additionally, my circular needle is broken now... I was working on this so hard, so this cheep circular needle from ebay could not resist my stress...As I don't have any extra needles, I need to go get them to restart.


Circular Needle Broken

Before this vest, I was working on this shrug... I wanted to make some pullover first, but I knew I won't have enough yarns to finish, so I decided to make a rectangular shrug... this is going to be the center of the shrug, and I am going to add different patterns in both directions. I am so so hoping that I have enough yarns to finish this...


Rectangular Shrug first pattern done