Monday, November 27, 2006

Meathead Hat Knitalong

The other day, when I first saw Adrian's Meathead Hats, I was so impressed with them. The shape of the hats and beautiful & cute decorations, her color sense... and I instantaneouslly started to look for a pattern for this --- and found out that there was a Meathead Hat Knitalong by Larissa and I was lucky to be able to sign up.

先日、AdrianのMeathead Hatsを見た瞬間、すっごく感動してしまいました。シンプルな形といい、センスあふれるデコレーションといい、なんといっても彼女のカラーセンスの抜群さに脱帽。で、この帽子、どうやって編むんだろう?と思っていたら、これはどうやらLarissaさんが主催するMeathead Hat Knitalongに参加するともらえるパターン。ということで、早速参加してみました。

First, I made small/Medium size, and it came out a bit small for me. I still had about 16 yards left when I made this, so I decided to frog it once and try to make larger size. It came out perfect this time, with only about one yard left...


Now, I had to think about the embellishment... I thought about it for almost a week; couldn't decide what to do; I know I wanted some flowers or vines or something from nature, and I put some pink yarns on top to see if I can knit some flower motif with it, and it wasn't for me. What was wrong? It's the color. I needed to find a yarn that had beautiful color to harmonize with the hat. And one day I found my favorite motif sitting on top of my yarn basket.


Finallly done! Here is my Meathead Hat:
やっと出来上がった私のMeathead Hatはこちら:

Meathead Hat

Larissa's Meathead Hat
Size: Medium/Large
Needle: US 15 circular (magic-loop): knitted in circular
Yarn: 1 ball of Lamb's Pride Bulky (100g) in brown heather
Embellishment: Noro's Silk Garden

I am happy with the way it came out. It was such a wonderful experience to knit this hat and see others'. Thanks Larissa for such a great project!


btw, if you want to see everyone's hat, click here.


Monday, November 13, 2006

Deep V Argyle Vest Fini!

It's been for a while since I posted my blog for the last time... sorry for the long absence. We had lots of things going on (my son's first 7-5-3, Japanese ceremony, Halloween, my mac's battery exchange, etc.etc.etc...) But I finally finished Deep V Argyle Vest:

しばらく更新を怠ってしまいました‥息子の七五三やハロウィーンがあり、私のマックのバッテリーが交換対象となってしまったので、マックの調子も悪く、なかなか更新が出来ませんでした。とにもかくにも、ようやくDeep V Argyleが出来上がったのでお披露目です:

Deep Argyle Vest Finished!

Pattern: Deep V Argyle Vest
Designer: Eunny Jang
Yarn: Rowan Harris/Scottish Tweed 4 ply; 4 balls of 014-Heath (MC);2 balls of 006-Sea Green (CC) and tiny bit of 002-Machair for Steek; approximately 150g

Here is a photo from the inside of the vest after I added ribs:

Deep V Argyle Steek

The left side of this photo is finished and blanket-stitched; the right side is just crocheted and waited to be sewn-down (I didn't take off these crochet chain stitches--- I sew them all down together):

Argyle Steek Sewn

I thought I may have finished this earlier as it is a vest without sleeves --- not true! It took good two months! Now, I have a lot more to knit by christmas --- I joined a KAL for Phildar's Swing Jacket, and I just received yarns for Enid Cardigan (just for the main color, I will use some yarns from my stash for the circles), and lots of more stuff to knit --- but now, I am knitting some scarves. They give me some break, as I don't have to think too much about shaping.

これ、もう少しさっさと終わるかと思いきや、意外と長い時間がかかりました。袖もないのに‥クリスマスまでに編もうと思っている物が山積みになってきました。先日、PhildarのSwing JacketのKALにサインアップし、IK Fall号のEnid Cardiganの糸も入手し(メインカラーのみで、デザインの部分は在庫を使うつもりです)、その他にも編もうと思っている物が山積み‥でも、最近はマフラーをちまちまと編んでいます。クレオパトラの蛇がようやく終わったところ。マフラーはあんまり考えなくてものんびり編めるので、ちょっと休憩がてらにはもってこいです。